Göricke Prospekt für indischen Markt  1920er Jahre

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BICYCLES «K SOLE AGENTS: DHAWAN & CO. G.M.B.H. 12 VIKTORIA-STRASSE / BERLIN W 10 VOOODOOK GENT’S ROADSTER MODEL NO. 21 STANDARD SPECIFICATION: Frame: sizes 2% Wheels: 23 Tyres: Dunlop Pneumat r tinenta J Handlebars: Raised double € ıtest patter Freewheel: Ball bearing best quality Chain: Göricke half inch pitch roller Saddle: irge e kel plat Gear case: Mudguards: Extra wide and Finish: Enamelled, after antirust resisting pr 9%- - — Price per case of 6 machines Rs.: ART LADY'’S ROADSTER MODEL 17 Represents the very finest in quality, workmanship and equip- ment, its silent silky running makes ‚cling a real pleasure Size 22 in frame, 28 in wheels Price per case of six machines Rs.: BOYS BICETYEEE NG: 24 A STURDY MACHINE Size 18 in frame, 24 in wheels Price per case of six machines Rs.: PRINCIPAL AGENCIESIN INDIA, BURMA AND CEYLON Calcutta: Calcutta Lahore: Dhawan & . (India) Ltd., Lahore Lucknmow Madras: Bangalore: Colombo: Rangoon: Makers: GÖRICKEWERKE A.-G. BIELEFELD (GERMANY)

Göricke Prospekt für indischen Markt 1920er Jahre

1920 - 1929
Heinz Fingerhut
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