Schwinn Bicycles Katalog 1948

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Es Bauilt Byeles, FOR HEALTH AND PLEASURE YOUR GUARANTEE OF LIFE-LONG SATISFACTION EINEN He, orDINARY W All Schwinn-Built Lightweight Bicycles are custom-built, ac- cording to specifications fur- nished—and guaranteed for life, as indicated by the guar- antee illustrated at left. For your protection, insist upon the “Schwinn Seal of Quality,” illustrated above. Our special “"Hat-In-The-Ring” Insignia serves to identify our custom- built lightweight models. |—r RT ANGE INN & CO Pinsel” PARAMOUNT, SUPERIOR, AND NEW WORLD AISEIEMELSETE BICHELES- THE WORLDS FINEST FOR SPORT, TOURING, AND RACING IS BOOK opens a new world to you! A world of pleasure, of healthful exercise, of happy experience! Itis a world which has swiftly opened up to adult America, through the introduction by Arnold, Schwinn & Company of swift, safe, easy-rid- ing lightweight bicycles. Arnold, Schwinn’s leader- ship in the development of the bicycle in America is acknowledged. Beauty of design, skillful engineering, quality of materials and precision workmanship—all the direct product of more than 60 years of bicycle manufac- turing experience in the Schwinn family, father and son—are the cornerstones of Schwinn superiority. Schwinn engineering and manufacturing resources made possible the production in Schwinn factories of European-type accessories and parts—a necessary first step to perfection of American-built lightweight bicycles. Free Wheel Hubs and Caliper Rim Brakes are but two of the precision parts of Schwinn manu- facture which make Schwinn-Built Paramount, Supe- rior and New World Lightweights the finest bicycles of their kind. PAGE THREE Excellence of materials matches the expertness of Schwinn design and engineering. Chrome-Molyb- denum Seamless Drawn Tubing, Heat-treated High Carbon Chrome-Molybdenum Steel and Nickel Steel Drop Forgings, Dural Drop Forgings, Chrome Nickel Ball Bearings, Top Quality Leather, Finest Rubber Compounds—the list of Schwinn quality materials is long and could be continued almost indefinitely. What you are interested in, however, in selecting your bicycle, is positive assurance of easy-running durability. Schwinn gives you that, without qualifica- tion, in the Lifetime Guarantee reproduced on the opposite page. Only Schwinn-Built Bicycles are guaranteed for life. Itisa guarantee backed by the unchallenged reputation of Arnold, Schwinn & Company, builders of America’s finest bicycles for half a century. Select a Schwinn-Built Lightweight to accompany you on your adventure into this new world of fun and exercise! You will have the additional enjoyment of knowing you are riding the best bike it is possible to build! “MERRI Bi: ROLL ALONG OU can’t enjoy a "'nerv- ous breakdown on a wheell’’saidDr. Charles F. Bolduan, Director of the Bureau of Health Education in New York. Prior to the early 1900’s, anervousbreak- down was a rare occur- rence, except perhaps among the very wealthy. For good, healthy exercise is the arch-enemy of such a disorder. To get about, most people either walked, or rode a bicycle. Cycling was also a major sportin the gay 90's, and no town was too small to support a cycling club. Today, many cities have twenty or more active Cycling Clubs. But the world moved on, and to keep pace with a fast moving civilization America needed a faster mode oftravel. By 1921the automobile had relegated the bicycle to a place where only the teen age boys of the country rode them. And what happened? Physical action was reduced to a minimum. Result? Poor circulation of blood through our body and muscles, bringing in its train overweight, flabbiness, digestive disorders, and a new-found enemy—Nervous Breakdown! Then, suddenly, America rediscovered one of its finest and healthiest sports. First Hollywood and its movie stars took to wheels in the interest of fun and figures. And today, when to flash across the country between dawn and dusk is a common occurrence, All America is finding a new thrill in pumping along the highways with its own two feet, on bicycles. Young and old, men and women, are getting more downright pleasure out of bicycling than they ever dreamed possible, and at the same time, they’re finding healthful exercise, needed recreation, and conven- ient transportation. Gentlemen, is that spare tire around the middle getting larger? Are you breaking ground for a third chin? Do you find yourself puffing after that first flight of stairs? Are those muscles you used to flex so proudly getting flabby? Ladies, are you losing those girlish contours around the equator? Have the men stopped taking a second look at those once-trim ankles? Do you find that you have to put more artificial "bloom” on your cheeks? Comes summertime, do you have those "bathing suit blues?” Then hop on a bike, and pedal away for exercise, fun, and fresh air. A half hour bicycle ride every morning, and a good long ride in the park or the country each Sunday will flatten out those bulges in no time. Once away, with the wind in your hair and the sun on your back, you/ll find an exhilarating tingle start running through your whole body, an- nouncing that Mr. Blood is circulating! Millions of Americans are riding these days for pleasure, and for health’s sake. Girls say itis the best beauty treatment they’ve found yet, and men report that bicycling has got gymnasiums and turkish baths licked a mile. Dr. HermanN. Bundesen, President ofthe Chicago Board of Health, states, “Millions of adults face the problem of keeping fit, due to a lack of stimulating outdoor exercise. One ofthe best outdoor sports which busy people should try, is cycling—a sport good for young and old alike. Iam glad to see more adults riding their bikes—it's a sport all health authorities should encourage.” So far you may have gained the impression thatthe principal reason for riding (continued on page 6) PAGE FOUR m SPORTS-TOURIST Here is the finest lightweight bicycle money can buy—the out- standing achievement of Arnold, Schwinn engineering and manu- facturing genius. No cost is spared in any detail of material or craftsmanship. Read these specifications closely—they tell eloquently, the reasons for Paramount leadership: FRAME: Finest Chrome-Molybdenum seamless drawn tubing, double butted, providing greatest possible strength with light weight. Frame lugs cut away to further reduce weight. Sizes, 20, 21, and 22 inches. FORKS: Double-tapered Chrome-Molybdenum seamless drawn tubing, com- bining great strength and resiliency to absorb road shocks and vibration. Fork crowns and ends are drop forged Chrome-Molybdenum, carefully machined and fitted. Fork stems are dual-thick Chrome-Molybdenum steel of great strength and lightness. TIRES: Optional: Dunlop special high pressure on narrow Endrick type Dunlop high pressure rim. (Tire 26x11/4"—actual cross section 1Yj&’.) Or, Schwinn Zephyr tire on Superior rim. (Tire 26x11/4”—actual cross section approxi- mately I %2”.) CRANK HANGER SET: Fine, fluted racing cranks—Jight, strong and practically indestructible—forged from Chrome-Molybdenum steel, accurately machined and expertlytempered. Axles and cotters turned from Chrome-Molybdenum, expertly tempered. Precision-ground ball bearing paths and accurately-cut sprocket teeth for easy running. See full description or Page 30. HUBS: Schwinn Large-Flange Racing-Type described in detail on Page 23. CHAIN: Diamond roller-type, for easy operation. Half-inch pitch. PAGE FIVE PARAMOUNT HANDLEBAR: Latest sports-touring design, reversible for drop-bar position Seamless steel tubing. Standard handlebars are optional. HANDLEBAR STEM: Light, strong and double-adjustable, as described on Page 30. GRIPS: Schwinn cushion-type. Deep sponge rubber, comfortable and easy to hold. HEAD FITTINGS: Turned from fine bar steel. Thrust bearing type SADDLE: Schwinn Special with mattress spring suspension. Expertly sha for utmost riding comfort. Covered with fine-quality, genuine, brown gl leather. SEAT POST: Best grade seamless tubing. Pillar type. BRAKE: Illustrated with Schwinn Caliper rim brakes front and rear. Easy t operate; positive in action. Described on Page 31. Optional Schwinn automo- tive-type rear expander brake or coaster brake. extra. PEDALS: Schwinn Lightweight, with replaceable rubber pads detail on Page 3]. CHAIN GUARD: Light, highly-polished, chromium plated; with enameled pane to match frame. MUDGUARDS: Stainless Steel. Strong bead reinforcement. Front guard with peak extension. FINISH AND TRIM: All parts heavily chromium plated and highly polished Frame and fork finished in finest multicoot enamel baked-on, hand rubbed and chip-proof. Colors: Maroon, Royal Blue, Brewster Green or Black WHEELBASE: 421/,”. pe oa ° Front expander brake Described in All out for a glorious day in the country. Special trainload ofChicago ceycling enthusiasts—the youngest cyclist5 years, the eldest 73. This is evidence that cycling spells fun for young and old. (continued from page #) a bicycle is to get fit and stay fit. So let it be said here and now-—riding a bicycle is also fun! Cycling Clubs were an importantpartoftherecrea- tionallife atthe turn ofthe Century, and today they’re having another boom—for bicycle trippers love com- pany. In 1939 the St. Louis Cycle Club celebrated its golden anniversary. In New England there is a Fed- eration of Bicycle Clubs with more than fifteen local groups. The ‘““Cycle-at-Seven Club’’ of Beverly Hills, California, made up of business and professional people, ride for an hour each morning. I£ you think an ordinary picnic’s fun, get up.a bicycle picnic. By the time you've reached the shady grove that has been agreed upon as the ideal picnic spot, you'll hardly be able to wait for the food to be set out. And even the lowly ham sandwich will taste better than the most delectable dish Oscar of the Waldorf could whip up! For the bicycle enthusiasts who live in large cities, where traffic- conditions and distance make it diffi- cult to get out into the country, ‘'Cycle Trains’’ are the latest development in the rebirth of cycling. You ride your bike down to the station, place itin the bag- gage car, and then join your fellow cyclists in the comfortable coaches. A hundred miles or so from home the train comes to a stop, bicycles are unloaded, and the caravan of cyclists sets out for the day'srun— usually a trip often miles or so over smooth, concrete or macadam roads. If you're an experienced wheelman, you’ll wish the trip was to be a “century run’’ (a hundred miles). But probably there will be many novices in the party, so the distance mustn’t be too great. However, the Ba 5 Here they go! Through shady woods, over smooth modern highways—an economical day in the country combining fun and friendship with healthful outdoor recreation. There are twenty active cycle clubs in Chicago. seasoned rider can occasionally “'scorch'’ ahead, then turn around, and ride back to the caravan. When the day’s goal is reached, refreshments are served, and after a pleasant rest, everyone leisurely pedals back to the waiting train. And that night, back home in bed, insomnia is only a word in the dictionary. How many times have you heard that annual plaint, ‘What will we do on our vacation?’ or “Where will we go this year?" For fun, health and sport—go bicycling! Take a bicycle tour, and see the country under your own power. Go where you please, start and stop when you please, stay as long as you please in a place that interests you. You’ll need no fat pocketbook, no wardrobe trunk, but you’ll have a whale of a time. You'll probably see a lot of things that you can’t see any other way, and you’ll come back home feeling fit as a fiddle, and ready to tackle your work with an enthusiasm you never knew you had. Or, if a bicycle tour is a touch too adventuresome, take a bicycle with you on your vacation. You won't need to pack it— just put a tag on it and ship it to your destination. Then, after you’ve settled yourself in vacation land, begin taking side trips. You/ll find scores of interesting places you can go to with a bicycle that are inaccessible with a motor car. You’ll never be at a loss for something to do. Bicycle out to the golf course; down to the beach; into town for a soda or a movie; overtofriends’ homes for badminton, ping pong or bridge. You’ll find a new zest in every- thing you do and everywhere you go— when you use your bike. And all the time you’re getting additional healthful exercise that puts (continued on page 9) PAGE SIX PARAMOUNI SPORTS-TOURIST (Ladies’) Exact quality counterpart of the Paramount Sports-Tourist for CHAIN: Diamond roller-type, for easy operation. Half-inch pitch Men, illustrated on Page 5; built with the same careful pre- HANDLEBAR: Latest sports-touring design, reversible f cision, of the same faultless materials, with the same close at- Seamless steel tubing. Standard handlebars are optional tention to fine detail. Note especially the Schwinn Caliper HANDLEBAR STEM: Light, strong and double-adjustable, as described or for drop-bar positior a N P 30. Rim Brakes, front and rear, providing utmost safety under all 2% ; riding conditions—an exclusive Schwinn feature. ae Schwinn cushion-type. Deep sponge rubber, comfortable and easy to old. FRAME: Finest Chrome-Molybdenum seamless drawn tubing, double butted, HEAD FITTINGS: Turned from fine bar steel. Thrust bearinc providing greatest possible strength with light weight. Frame lugs cut away SADDLE: to further reduce weight. Size, 19 inches. X Schwinn Special with mattress spring suspension. Expertly shaped for utmost riding comfort. Covered with fine-quality, genuine, brown glove FORKS: Double-tapered Chrome-Molybdenum seamless drawn tubing, com- jeather. bining great strength and resiliency to absorb road shocks and vibration. Fork crowns and ends are drop forged Chrome-Molybdenum, carefully machined and fitted. Fork stems are dual-thick Chrome-Molybdenum steel of great strength and lightness. SEAT POST: Best grade seamless tubing. Pillar type. BRAKE: Illustrated with Schwinn Caliper rim brakes front and rear. Easy to operate; positive in action. Described on Page 31. Optional $ motive-type rear expander brake or coaster brake. Front expander b extra. TIRES: Optional: Dunlop special high pressure on narrow Endrick type Dunlop high pressure rim. (Tire 26x11/4”—actual cross section 1Y6”.) Or, Schwinn Zephyr tire on Superior rim. (Tire 26x11/4”—actual cross section approx- PEDALS: Schwinn Lightweight, with replaceable rubber pads. Described imately 1 %2”.) detail on Page 31. CRANK HANGER SET: Fine, fluted racing cranks—light, strong and practicaly CHAIN GUARD: Light, highly-polished, chromium plated; with enameled pane indestructible—forged from Chrome-Molybdenum steel, accurately machined to match frame. and expertly tempered. Axles and cotters turned from Chrome-Molybdenum, MUDGUARDS: Stainless Steel. Strong bead reinforcement. Front guard =; expertly tempered. Precision-ground ball bearing paths and accurately-cut with peak extension. sprocket teeth for easy running. See full description on Page 30. FINISH AND TRIM: All parts heavily chromium plated and highly po HUBS: Schwinn Large-Flange Racing-Type described in detail on Page 23. Frame. and fork finished in finest multicoat enamel baked-on, hand and chip-proof. Colors: Maroon, Royal Blue, Brewster Gre or Black WHEELBASE: 421/,”. ONLY AMERICAN FACTORY-BUILT RACING MACHINE ACCEPTABLE TO PROFESSIONAL RACERS Standard-bearer of the Schwinn-Built Lightweight line—the fin- est bicycle of its type that money can buy! The Paramount Racer is built like a fine watch; yet so precisely are the fault- less parts made and fitted together, that these “jeweled” bi- cycles stand up unscathed for hour after hour of relentless speed under the most powerful riders in the world. More than half of today’s 6-day bike racers, professionals whose earnings depend largely on the bicycles they ride, have discarded foreign models in favor of Schwinn Paramounts. FRAME: Designed for greatest responsiveness, for easiest, quickest steering. Finest Chrome-Molybdenum seamless drawn, double butted, tubing. Double butted, by a special process that gives extra thickness where needed for greatest strength, without sacrifice of light weight. Frame lugs are finest quality cutaway to further reduce weight. Sizes, 21 and 22 inches. FORK: Latest racing design. Double tapered Chrome-Molybdenum seamless drawn tubing. Drop forged crown and fork ends of Chrome-Molybdenum. TIRES: Optional: Hutchinson Road Tubulars on Schwinn Paramount laminated wood rims. Or, Dunlop special high pressure road racing tire on Dunlop Endrick type high pressure rim. Either tire 27x11/4"—actual cross section, 1YI6”. CRANK HANGER SET: Schwinn Paramount. Three-piece cottered type. Cranks forged from Chrome-Molybdenum steel. Spider drop forged integral with right crank. Axles and cups turned from magnetically tested manganese steel. All ball paths precision ground. Pedal sprocket, thickened offset edge. Photo Courtesy Camel Cigorettes Teeth cut on special generating machines. 1” pitch, three-point fastening. HUBS: SCHWINN PARAMOUNT. New design. Shells, axles and cones turned from magnetically tested manganese steels. Threadless cones honed to suction fit on axles giving perfect concentricity and alignment, never before achieved on a bicycle hub. Fixed adjustment by lock nut. All ball races precision ground. Rear hub fixed cog. Large flanges of drop forged Dural. HANDLEBAR: Goullet type. seamless steel tubing. HANDLEBAR STEM: Schwinn Paramount racing type; best seamless drawn steel tubing with rounded ends to minimize injury. Clamp is Dural, a heat- treated Schwinn aluminum drop forging, extra strong and extremely light. racing Highly polished, chromium finished, GRIPS: Schwinn racing. Long tight-fitting with cushion end; also upper sleeve for rest position. HEAD FITTINGS: Thrust bearing type, turned from high grade bar steel. SADDLE: Brooks, Bl7 narrow. SEAT POST: Pillar type. PEDALS: New Torrington racing. Latest Continental type. Chain Adjusters: Latest approved Continental type. FINISH AND TRIM: All steel parts heavily chromium plated and highly pol- ished. Dural parts highly polished. Frames and forks, multicoat, finest enamels, hand-rubbed. Colors: Ivory, Red, Medium Blue or Black; with hairline striping. Weight: As illustrated, with Hutchinson tires and wood rims, 20 pounds. WHEELBASE: 40)/% inches. Read what John (Pop) Brennan, the greatest authority intheU. S. on Racing bicycles, says about Schwinn-Built Light-weight Bicycles. “I have been the official mechanic at 6-Day Bike Races for over 25 years and have serviced every make of racing bicycle used. “This past season, we had 18 to 20 Schwinn Paramount Racers on the track. What the boys call their No. 1 bikes have gone approximately 10,000 miles each or a total of over 90,000 miles in the 13 races, and I have yet to replace a worn or defective part. Not a single frame broke, and I honestly believe the strength of these frames saved the boys from serious injury many times, because we had an unusual number of bad spills during the season. “I recommend Schwinn-Built bicycles not only to the racing men but to every cyclist who wants a lightweight, light running, substantial bicycle with correct lines and the best equipment.’ PAGE EIGHT zer Automobiles are barred on quiet, historic Mackinac Island, Michigan—but cool, shady forest paths, near famous Grand Hotel, welcome fun-loving cyclists like these four captivating charmers! (continued from page 6) color in your cheeks and keeps your figure slim and supple. “"ButIhaven’tridden a bicyclein years and years,” you suddenly wail, after having rolled the delights ot bicycling around in your mind. Have no fear, Ladies and Gentlemen. Cycling is exactly like svimming—and there's no record of any person, regardless of age, who ever forgot how to swim, once he or she hitthe water. So once you've rid- den a bicycle, you’ll never forget how to ride. What- ever you may have gained in weight, or whatever you may have lost in agility, is more than compen- sated for by the beautifully balanced, easy running lightweight bicycles, which virtually ride themselves. And today there’s added safety in bicycling, for you can stop your bike “on a dime” with a slight pres- sure of your finger tips! The old fashioned brakes that required considerable pressure of your foot to operate have given way to Schwinn Internal Expanding brakes built into the hub, or Schwinn Caliper Rim brakes, both operated by levers at the end of the handlebar. Oh yes, the modern lightweight bicycle has a gear shift, believe it or not! There's a low gear for steep hills or a strong head wind; a second or a regu- lar gear, for average riding or touring; and a third, or high gear, for use on level roads when you really wantto step out and "scorch”the highway. But watch your step on the modern lightweight bicycle, or per- haps it is better to say, (continuedon page 12) PAGE NINE They’re Off! Alfred LeTourneur, speed demon, rides fastest mile in bicycle history—establishes new world speed record, 108.92 miles per hour, on Paramount Racer. The test was sanctioned and officially timed by the A. A.A. We Made It! LeTourneur receiving congratulations from Ronney Householder. It required three miles to get up speed—four miles to stop. The wheels turned 221), times per second, which carried the rider a distance of 159 feet. Gear ratio was 91% to l, compared with 21% to 1 on most bicycles. This speed record required nerves of steel—a per- fect bicycle. LeTourneur had both! Every inch a fine bicycle comparing favorably in all impor- tant details with the world's finest Schwinn-Built Paramount. Ex- pert workmanship, fine materials, sleek streamlined appear- ance combine to offer an extra measure of bicycle value in the Superior, keeping it definitely in the middle price-range. The Superior combines all of the pleasure and satisfaction that go with ownership of a fine bicycle, with a worthwhile saving in cost. i FRAME: Finest Chrome-Molybdenum seamless drawn tubing, combining maxi- mum strength with light weight. Joints reinforced and steel welded. Sizes, 21 and 22 inches. FORK: Double-tapered Chrome-Molybdenum seamless drawn tubing. Strong, yet offering resiliency to absorb road shocks and vibration. Crowns and ends drop forged Chrome-Molybdenum steel, carefully machined and fitted. Stems are dual-thick Chrome-Molybdenum seamless drawn steel tubing; strong and light. TIRES: Schwinn Zephyr double-tube, beaded type; 26 x 1/4 inches. A light, strong tire built to Schwinn specifications; weighs 14 ounces less than standard 27 x 1\/ inch tires and operates with minimum effort. Rims are steel; of new design; light, strong, Schwinn hook-bead type. CRANK HANGER SET: Cranks are drop-forged Chrome-Molybdenum; oval shape, strong, carefully tempered, and practically indestructible. Ball paths highly polished. See full description on Page 27. HUBS: Aluminum alloy shells and Aanges, extremely light and free-running. Rear hub with free wheel. See detailed description on Page 23. CHAIN: Diamond roller-type; easy-running. Half-inch pitch. S2 TOURIST HANDLEBAR: Latest sports-touring design, reversible for drop-bar position. Seamless steel tubing; highly polished chromium finish. Standard handlebars are optional. HANDLEBAR STEM: Schwinn gooseneck design, described on Page 30. GRIPS: Schwinn cushion-type. Deep sponge rubber, comfortable and easy to hold. HEAD FITTINGS: Turned from fine bar steel. Upper cup and cone reversed, so as to protect bearing from rain and dust. SADDLE: Mattress spring suspension. Expertly shaped for maximum comfort. Covered with attractive, long-wearing, imitation leather. SEAT POST: Finest grade seamless tubing. Pillar type. BRAKE: Illustrated with Schwinn Caliper-type rim brake with free wheel on rear. Positive in action, operates easily from lever on handlebar. Described on Page 31. Optional are Schwinn automotive-type rear expander brake, with free wheel; or coaster brake. PEDALS: Schwinn lightweight, with replaceable rubber pads. See Page 3]. CHAIN GUARD: Light, highly polished, chromium plated; with enameled panel to match frame. MUDGUARDS: Beautifully enameled to match frame. Bead reinforced. Peak extension on front guard. FINISH AND TRIM: Highly polished, chromium plated. Frame and fork multi- coat finished in finest enamels, hand rubbed and chip-proof. Colors: Maroon, Royal Blue, Brewster Green, or Black. WHEELBASE: 42/2 inches. Refined and captivating mate to the men’s Superior, shown on opposite page; with all of the sturdy quality and easy-riding comfort resulting from Arnold, Schwinn engineering genius; fine materials and manufacturing skill. Like all Schwinn-Built bikes, backed by the famous Lifetime Guarantee! Safer riding at all speeds is made possible by the responsive, dependable Schwinn Caliper-type rim brake, easy to operate and positive in action. It's an exclusive Schwinn feature! FRAME: Finest Chrome-Molybdenum seamless drawn tubing, combining maxi- mum strength with light weight. Joints reinforced and steel welded. Size, 19 inches. FORK: Double-Tapered Chrome-Molybdenum seamless drawn tubing. Strong, yet offering resiliency to absorb road shocks and vibration. Crowns and ends drop-forged Chrome-Molybdenum steel, carefully machined and fitted. Stems are dual-thick Chrome-Molybdenum seamless drawn steel tubing; strong and light. TIRES:. Schwinn Zephyr double-tube, beaded type; 26 x 11/4 inches. A light, strong tire built to Schwinn specifications; weighs 14 ounces less than standard 27 x 1/2 inch tires and operates with minimum effort. Rims are steel; of new design; light, strong, Schwinn hook-bead type. CRANK HANGER SET: Cranks are drop-forged Chrome-Molybdenum; oval shape, strong, carefully tempered, and practically indestructible. Ball paths highly polished. See full description on Page 27. HUBS: Aluminum alloy shells and flanges, extremely light and free-running. Rear hub with free wheel. See detailed description on Page 23. PAGE ELEVEN CHAIN: Diamond roller-type; easy-running. Half-inch pitch. HANDLEBAR: Latest sports-touring design, reversible for drop-bar position. Seamless steel tubing; highly polished chromium finish. Standard handlebars are optional. HANDLEBAR STEM: Schwinn gooseneck design, described on Page 30. GRIPS: Schwinn cushion-type. to hold. HEAD FITTINGS: Turned from fine bar steel. so as to protect bearing from rain and dust. Deep sponge rubber, comfortable and easy Upper cup and cone reversed, SADDLE: Mattress spring suspension. Expertly shaped for maximum comfort. Covered with attractive, long-wearing imitation leather. SEAT POST: Finest grade seamless tubing. Pillar type. BRAKE: Illustrated with Schwinn Caliper-type rim brake with free wheel on rear. Positive in action, operates easily from lever on handlebar. Described on Page 31. Optional are Schwinn automotive-type rear expander brake, with free wheel; or coaster brake. PEDALS: Schwinn lightweight, with replaceable rubber pads. See Page 3]. CHAIN GUARD: Light, highly polished, chromium plated; with enameled panel to match frame. MUDGUARDS: Beautifully enameled to match frame. Bead reinforced. Peak extension on front guard. FINISH AND TRIM: Highly polished, chromium plated. Frame and fork multi- coat finished in finest enamels, hand rubbed and chip-proof. Colors: Maröon, Royal Blue, Brewster Green, or Black. WHEELBASE: 421/, inches. (continued from page 9) watch out for speed cops! Alfred LeTourneur attained a speed of 108.92 miles per hour on a Schwinn-Built Paramount Racer, paced by an automobile! It required nerves of steel and a bicycle able to withstand a terrific pace—LeTour- neur had both. Throughout the United States today there are thou- sands ofmiles of fine highways which make bicycling a real pleasure and enable the cycle tourist to go almost anywhere. In many cities, separate bicycle paths have been provided, which, of course, is the cyclist's idea of heaven. Would you like to take a quick swing around the country, stopping off for a moment or two at some of America's show places which have a particular lure for the cyclist? All right, pick up your lightweight (you can really lift it with one hand) and hop aboard our Scenic Special for Cyclists. All set? Here we go! You see things and do things impossible in an automobile if you ride a Schwinn-Built Lightweight. Two happy va- cationists on their way to the popular Shore Club, overlook- ing the sparkling waters of Bar Harbor, Maine—society’s favorite playground. At the crossroads of the Great Lakes lies a little world of its own where the simple peace of Colonial America is still preserred— Mackinac Island. Mackinac Island is the cyclist's heaven, for no automobilesare allowed onthe Island. Onecancycle for hours through cool, virgin woods, and past many historical spots. And of course there is the Grand Hotel, with the longest porch in the world,standing majestically on a high elevation overlooking the Straits of Mackinac. The temptation is to linger here amidst its beautiful surroundings, entering into the gaiety and many activities of this famed resort, but we have a long jump ahead. Nowhere in the world Our country’s greatest metropolis—New York City—pro- vides 58 miles of bicycle paths for the exclusive use of cyclists, where they can enjoy their favorite sport in perfect safety on beautifully planned cycle trails. can be found such a veritable fairyland of mountain, lake and seashore, as at Bar Harbor, Maine, the playground of society and the favorite rendezvous of yachtsmen. You’ll want to cycle along Ocean Drive out to Acadia National Park where 18 mountains literally rise outofthe sea. (continuedon page l4) Pedestrians, cyclists, and automobiles—all are provided for along the New York waterfront. Most of the cycle trails are 12 feet wide and cost more than half a million dollars. Photographs furnished through the courtesy of the New York City Park Department. PAGE TWELVE SPORTS-TOURIST Unquestionably the finest lightweight bicycle in the popular- priced field. Only the great engineering skill and vast manu- facturing resources of Arnold, Schwinn could produce a light- weight bicycle so well-designed, so sturdily made, so beauti- fully finished—at so attractive a price—and then back it up with the strong Lifetime Guaranteel Compare the New World, point by point with any other lightweight bicycle, then compare the price. New World will be your unerring choice! FRAME: Finest American seamless drawn steel tubing. Continental type rear fork ends. Sizes: 19, 21, and 23 inches. FORK: Double tapered oval to round seamless drawn steel tubing .. . yet resilient. strong, FRONT HUB: New Schwinn small flanges, heavy steel shell, replaceable bear- ing cups. Easy-running; long-wearing. Large flange front hub extra. REAR HUB: BRAKES: Schwinn caliper rim brakes, front and rear. levers on handlebars; positive in action. See Page 3]. automotive-type expander brakes, front and rear. Schwinn large flange rear hub with free wheel. Operate easily from Available: Schwinn PAGE THIRTEEN N HEAD FITTINGS: New Schwinn; turned from finest bar steel CRANK HANGER SET: Schwinn three-piece, precision made of finest steels Long wearing and easy running. PEDALS: Torrington. CHAIN: Diamond roller type. Easy running; \/3 or 1-inch pitch TIRES: Optional: 26 x 11/4” Schwinn Zephyr, or 26 x 13/5” Schwinn Whirlwind SADDLE: English type or Mesinger optional SEAT POST: Pillar Type. RIMS: Schwinn Superior, a steel rim of new design; light and strong HANDLEBAR: World. CHAIN GUARD: Heavily enameled to match frame MUDGUARDS: New improved type. STAND: Side parking. Miller. COLORS: Solid colors with two gold hair-line stripes. CYCELOCK: Famous Schwinn Cycelock is optional equipment. authorized use; best protection against theft Prevents un- Nowhere in the world are cyclists more fortunate than in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Boardwalk, running parallel to the sparkling Atlantic Ten miles of broad, smooth (continued from page 12) It seems strange thatthe largest, busiest and most crowded city in the United States should offer better accommodations and greater safety to the cyclist than any other community in the land. But New York City'’s Commis- sioner of Parks, Robert Moses, is a farseeing gentle- man, determined to keep a step or two ahead of Two charming cyclists, Miss Rose Sanders, high school teacher, and Miss Lestina Stanley, a Brenan graduate, back home in Atlanta, Georgia, after a tour to Tennessee and re- turn. Trip lasted seven days, distance 200 miles. They rode their Schwinn-Built Lightweights over one hundred miles on final day of journey, a feat that would have entitled “Century Medals’’ these pretty girls to when cycling was young. AUISER EHRT. Nat Sa er Ocean, provide a perfect highway for bike riding. Best of all, it's turned over to cycling enthusiasts each morning until nine o’clock. the passing parade. What's more, he’'s a bicycle bug himself. Under Commissioner Moses, park executives have for some time been studying the entire park system to ascertain local unsatisfied cycling needs, and where proper facilities can be located advanta- geously to furnish the opportunity for bicycle riding. As a result, they have planned 58 miles of winding bicycle paths which will lead in most cases from one interesting point t (continued on page 16) Palm-studded playground of the South, Miami Beach, Florida— where a bicycle is a ‘‘must’’ if you like to go places and see all of the many attractions Miami Beach has to offer pleasure-seeking winter vacationists. m ie Ti wi ii al IR im: es # = a The sturdy built-in quality; splendid modern design, and easy- riding performance of the New World model for men, shown on Page 13, are matched in this popular-priced beauty. Your Schwinn-Built New World will carry you smoothly over thou- sands of happy miles, into thrilling new worlds of travel, adven- ture and healthful exercise. FRAME: Finest American seamless drawn steel tubing. Continental type rear fork ends. Sizes: 17 and 19 inches. FORK: Double tapered oval to round seamless drawn steel tubing... . yet resilient. strong, FRONT HUB: New Schwinn small flanges, heavy steel shell, replaceable bearing cups. Easy-running; long-wearing. Large flange front hub extra. REAR HUB: Schwinn large flange rear hub with free wheel. BRAKES: Schwinn caliper rim brakes, front and rear. levers on handlebars; positive in action. See Page 31. automotive-type expander brakes, front and rear. Operate easily from Available: Schwinn HEAD FITTINGS: New Schwinn; turned from finest bar steel. CRANK HANGER SET: Schwinn three-piece, precision made of finest steels. Long wearing and easy running. PEDALS: Torrington. CHAIN: Diamond roller type. Easy running; \/2 or 1-inch pitch. TIRES: Optional: 26 x 11/4” Schwinn Zephyr, or 26 x 13/4” Schwinn Whirl- wind. SADDLE: English type or Mesinger optional. SEAT POST: RIMS: HANDLEBAR: World. CHAIN GUARD: Heavily enameled to match frame. MUDGUARDS: New improved type. STAND: Side parking. Miller. COLORS: Solid colors with two gold hair-line stripes. CYCELOCK: Famous Schwinn Cycelock is optional equipment. authorized use; best protection against theft. One-piece pillar type. Schwinn Superior, a steel rim of new design; light and strong. Prevents un- Coral Gables is calling you! I£ you've ever been there, you’ll know why. I£ you haven’t, then this picture with the magnificent Miami Biltmore Hotel in the background pro- (continued from page 14) another, and of such length and design that bicycle riders enjoy the ut- most in mental relaxation and physical exercise. In the four boroughs of Greater New York, there are 21 proposed locations for bicycle paths. The first section of a separate bicycle path at the south end of Central Park is now open. But even today the parks of Greater New York are filled with happy, healthy bicycle riders. During the day they are crowded with youngsters having the vides the answer. A garden spot for beautiful girls, sparkling sunshine, and Schwinn-Built Lightweights, which add to the fun and relaxation of vacations everywhere. time oftheir life, and during the early morning hours, you'll see many stars of the entertainment world biking away in Central Park for wholesome exercise. On our way to Florida, let's stop for a moment at Atlantic City—playground of a nation and home of the world’smost famous promenade—the Boardwalk. The Boardwalk is another corner of the cyclist's heaven, for its smooth wooden surface and its eight mile straightaway offers ideal cycling conditions. You'll want to get up early when you’re in Ätlantic City, for the Boardwalk until 9:00 A.M. isturned over to bicycle riders. Next, let's be "Gone with the Wind,” for a brief stay in Atlanta. We’reinthe cotton country now, andthere are plantations to visit, beautiful gardens and quaint towns that take us back to the early days of the Old South. Haven’t you sometimes dreamed of a few out-of- this-world weeks on a tropical island in the South Phoenix, Arizona— famous for its healthful climate, giant cactuses and, more recently, its “‘dudettes,’’ shown here on their Schwinn-Built Lightweights, out for an invigorating early morning spin. PAGE SIXTEEN Seas? Well, such a dream is transposed into a lovely, exciting reality at Miami Beach, a miracle city ex- quisitely set like a rare jewel beside the pulsing waters of the turquoise Atlantic. Bicycling in Miami Beach approaches the ultimate in pleasure and safety, for separate shell roads are set aside for the cyclist. There are scores of interest- ing places to go via bicycle— wonderful beach re- sorts, to famous Coral Gables, and Hialeah Park, one ofthe most beautiful race tracks in the world. Land of Health and Sunshine, of desert vistas un- equaled anywhere in the world— Arizona. Here in- deed one can cycle for health and fun along broad highways bordered by giant cacti. The climate of Arizona is renowned and you’ll never tire of pedaling to innumerable points of interest and beauty. In Idaho, the cloud-swept peaks of the Sawtooth Range form a setting of majestic and mysterious grandeur for Sun Valley. In this fascinating retreat the romantic atmosphere of the primitive West is woven into the colorful pattern of life at Sun Valley Lodge and Challenger Inn. Here, the exhilaration of a morning bicycle ride reaches its highest peak. When the rising sun gilds the mountain tops, and the crisp air is like a tonic, you feel you have enough pep to pedal clear to the top of nearby Baldy Mountain. You’llneed a sweater, of course, but after you've had sizzling bacon and steaming coffee at Trail Creek Cabin, and return to the Lodge or Inn, it will be warm enough for a re- freshing swim in the outdoor pool. California—the sun-drenched, star-filled diadem ofthe golden West! Sun Valley, famous outdoor sports center— where all sports, from cycling to the rodeo, are invested with new thrills and glamour. In this fascinating mountainland retreat, cycling is a favorite pastime. Be sure to take your Schwinn Light- Broad, paved highways; attractive homes; stately date palms, and Schwinn Lightweights have crowded out the horses and cowboys in Phoenix, “The Palm City.” Here is the famous Yosemite Valley, unrivaled for its beauty and grandeur, with El Capitan, a sheer, plain mass of solid granite rising 3300 feet in the air, and Bridal Veil Falls, pouring its crystal-clear torrent from a height of 900 feet. Nestling at the foot ofthe great San Jacinto Moun- tains lies the garden spot of the Colorado Desert— Palm Springs. Here the old West, the cosmopolitan- ism of the East, and the brightest stars of the picture world mingle, and have fun. Of course, the bicycle isthe favorite means oftrans- portation. Cowboys, business tycoons, and film stars scorn a motor car for trips into the village—their bicycles are more fun. Taking one's bike on a shop- ping tour is not only a pleasant way to get around, but extremely practical. weight with you when you go to Sun Valley Lodge or picturesgque Challenger Inn, where hospitality and a friendly spirit of western informality attract hosts of sports- loving vacationists. Most of us will envy this group of cyclists relaxing after the day’s ride and enjoying the scenery in front of Yosemite Lodge. Beautiful Yosemite Fallsin the back- ground forms a colorful setting to this beautiful scene from the All-Year Club of Southern California. "I£ you’ve never seen Catalina by bike,’’ say these enthusiasts, ‘'you’ve never seen Catalina!’’ Special parties go by boat from the Southern California main- land, as pictured in the two photographs atright. They spend happy hours cycling over the picturesque trails that lead to every corner of rugged Catalina. Some- times they see a big-league baseball game, too; for Catalina is the training camp of Chicago’s Cubs. Nowhere are the nights so still and so mystically beautiful as in Palm Springs. The stars of the desert are shimmering points oflightin a vast, clear heaven. And the campfires burn bright and the coffee tastes good for those who cycle far out into the desert, carry- ing their steaks in their saddlebags. But wait, would you like to rub Aladdin’s Lamp andhave a geniibring within cycling distance India’s famed Khyber Pass, Africa’s burning Sahara Desert, Scotland’s famous Moors, the exotic beach at Wai- kiki, and England’s ancient Sherwood Forest? But you need no Aladdin’s Lamp, for you’re in Los Angeles, Hollywood, and Beverly Hills, another cor- ner of the cyclist's heaven. A perfect climate, broad, smooth-as-glass roads, and a gently rolling terrain make bicycling the perfect outdoor sport. There are so many placesto go, somuch to see and do, in this breath-taking Land of Make-Believe. And you can see more and do more, and have more fun— on a bicycle! Distances are often too great to walk, yet too short to bother with a car. So the perfect answer is—take your bike! Riding about on a bicycle, you’ll probably see more famous people than you ever will riding about in a car. For almost any day you/ll see the greatest and most glamorous picture stars tooling along the bi- cycle paths—Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour, Pat O'Brien, Constance Bennett, Virginia Bruce, Bob Hope and scores of other equally famous people. An unforgettable experience is to take your bike with you when you go over to Catalina Island, an- other cyclist’s paradise. If you take a “Bicycle Boat Special,” you’ll find yourself one of a merry, carefree throng. We could go on almost endlessly, visiting the thou- sands ofother beautifulandinteresting vacation spots in this wonderful land of ours. But by now you may be "rarin’”to get on a Schwinn-Built Lightweight. So may we suggest that you end this tour at the store of your local Schwinn dealer. And when you leave it with your newly acquired treasure, it will be the be- ginning ofa new adventure in better health and more fun than you’ve had in years. In light-hearted Palm Springs, jewel of the desert and favorite vacation spot of movie stars, Schwinn-Built Bicycles contribute to the fun and are also an important means of local transportation. Once goddesses rode in vapory chariots, but this cap- tivating goddess rides a Schwinn-Built Lightweight. She’s Miss Jimmie Rogers, crowned Desert Goddess of the Sun Festival sponsored by the All-Year Club of Southern California. HEREVER you goin Hollywood, you ’are sure to find Schwinn-Built Bicycles... onthe broad, paved highways...on the estates of famous celebrities...on the movie lots where the stars ride their lightweights to and from the various studio sets where pictures are in the making. The list of Schwinn own- ers reads like the bluebook of the entertainment world, including: Edward Arnold and family; Bonnie Baker; Connie Bennett and son, Peter Plant;Virginia Bruce and daughter, Susan Ann Gilbert; Eddie Can- tor and family; Jerry Colonna; Jackie Cooper; Bing Crosby and boys; Robert Cummings; Linda Darnell; Richard Dix and twin boys; Brian Donlevy; Ellen ec SCHWINN Drew; Louis Hayward; Susan Hayward; Rita Hay- worth; Bob Hope; Buck Jones; Brenda Joyce; Arthur Lake; Dorothy Lamour; Anita Louise; Ida Lupino; Ken Murray; Pat O’Brien and family; June Preisser; Cesar Romero; Penny Singleton; Rudy Vallee; Jane Withers—and a host of others known and admired throughout the nation. Schwinn Lightweights not only provide the most convenient mode of transportation—they help the busy stars keep in condition for the long, exacting hours they must spend before the camera. Men and women, boys and girls, all agree that cycling on Schwinn Lightweights is one of the greatest of all outdoor sports. (above) Bing Crosby and his boys... allriding Schwinn! Master Lindsay’s riding the handlebars of Bing’s Schwinn- Built Lightweight, with Gary next, Dennis and Phillip bringing up the right. The famous radio and screen star writes: “‘Schwinn got our vote for its written Lifetime Guarantee. When a maker does that it's got to be good.”’ (right) Bonnie Baker, fascinating radio and screen star, allsetfor a spin on her Schwinn-Built Lightweight. Bonnie says, “I find cycling a healthful, stimulating outdoor sport and a splendid means of keeping fit. It's a double pleasure on a Schwinn Lightweight.’’ (extreme left) The ever popular Rudy Vallee, singer, actor and orchestra leader, known to millions of radio listeners, has this to say about his Schwinn-Built Lightweight, “I would have given almost anything if I could have had a Schwinn bicycle when I was a boy, when my bicycle was the dearest thing to my heart! Itis truly a joy to ride, and should automobile driving cease to be, my Schwinn will carry me wherever I have to go. It is the finest bicycle I have ever ridden. (left) Linda Darnell, the little Texas beauty who jumped into stardom, is fond of exercise. She likes to roller skate, she loves to ride her Schwinn Bicycle. ‘It's got everything, '” she says. ‘‘'Plus a Lifetime Guarantee!’’ We say, you’ll see how fit beautiful Linda keeps, when you see her in forthcoming 20th Century-Fox pictures. PAGE TWENTY-ONE SCHWINN QUALITY RB CHWINN-BUILT Lightweight Bicycles are the world’s finest—precision is the strict rule in every step of their manufacture. Special steels—each the most recent de- velopment of modern metallurgical science, each the finest obtainable for its purpose—are accurately machined, drawn and shaped in the Arnold, Schwinn factories on special precision tools, t0 make the finest bicycle parts it is possi- ble to produce. Lightweight bicycles, preferred by adults, were re-introduced by Arnold, Schwinn & Company some years ago. No expense was spared in the process. New steels, new methods, advanced en- gineering and highest manufacturing skill—all typical of Schwinn craftsmanship throughout its half century of history—have been devoted to this task. The result is a strong, easy-riding, long-wearing bicycle—one that delivers many years of hard, trouble-free usage. That is why Arnold, Schwinn & Company can, and does, guarantee Schwinn- Built Bicycles for life! No other bicycle carries so strong a warranty. iS A: PRODUCT 7OE Strong evidence of vast Schwinn superiority is the fact that professionals choose Schwinns! The famous Schwinn Paramount Racing Models, sold through all Schwinn dealers, are now the favorites of 6-day bicycle racers. America's leading ama- teurs, t0o, choose Schwinn-Built Bicycles! Genuine Schwinn-Built parts and accessories are easily obtainable through enterprising Schwinn dealers from coast to coast. Various Schwinn parts —including the vital spots of bicycle operation— are listed separately on the following pages. Greatly as design, materials and methods have been improved, Arnold, Schwinn does not leave to chance the possibility of still further advance- ments. Schwinn research is continuous! New ideas to increase the pleasure, comfort and economy of Schwinn-Built Bicycles are constantly under test by Schwinn engineers. Schwinn engineering leadership and outstand- ing craftsmanship are positive assurance that any Schwinn-Built Bicycle you buy, is the finest of its class. Make the famous Schwinn Seal of Quality your guide to unequalled bicycle satisfaction. It’s the safest way to protect your cycle investment. PAGE TWENTY-TWO (above) Schwinn Large Flange Racing-Type Hubs, standard equipment on all Paramount Models, are the most perfect and free-running ever produced. This is due largely to threadless cones, which are machine turned from finest.magnetically tested manganese steel, and perfectly ground, so that they fit the axles within one ten-thousandth of an inch. With tolerance so close, the cones fit the axle by suction with perfect concen- tricity and alignment. Shells and axles also are machine turned from finest magnetically tested manganese steel, a type espe- cially developed for fine case-hardened parts. Flanges are drop-forged, heat-treated aluminum—Schwinn Dural. Hubs have fixed adjustment. All the skill of Schwinn engineering, de- FLANGE HUBS sign, and craftsmanship has been employed to make these the finest bicycle hubs in the world. \ A (below) Superior Featherweight Hubs, with shells and flanges made of finest heat-treated, drop-forged aluminum— Schwinn Dural—are standard equipment on all Superior Models. They are extremely light and free-running. Bearing cups are cas=- hardened steel, polished to produce a perfect ball-bearing surface. Cones and axles are made of finest steels obtainable the bearing adjustment is fixed, and therefore, is not disturbed by wheel removal. Rear hubs on all Superior Sports Tourist Models have free-wheeling without drag or friction of any description. HUBS (above) Happy Riding for Virginia Bruce and her capti- vating daughter, Susan Ann Gilbert. Universal’s lovely star declaresthatbicycling is miles of fun, when she can glide away on her Schwinn-Built Lightweight, with Susan Ann pedaling along. When you see Virginia’s name on your theatre as the star of a new Universal release, you just know you are in for an eve- ning of pleasure. (left) Gene Autry, famous Western Star, says, “The Schwinn Lightweight bicycle is very much like ‘Champion,’ my horse. They’re both phys- ically sound, lithe of limb and fast. Itake my hat offto Schwinn’s. They’ve built the smoothest-riding wheel I’ve everridden. AndthatLifetime Guarantee tells you it's as strong as it is handsome.”’ PAGE TWENTY-FOUR (above) Eddie Cantor, a familiar name to every theatre patron and every radio fan, from Broadway to Hollywood, from the Gulf to Canada. Eddie, writes us: “It was not so long ago that I had my first ride on one of your easy-to-ride Schwinn- Built Lightweights—and boy, oh boy! What a thrill Ihad. I understand now why you can afford to offer a Lifetime Guarantee. Every member of my family Owns one of your Superior Lightweight tourist models. Cycling is certainly great sport and one of the best means I know about of keeping in tiptop physical con- dition. It's a form of exercise certain to remove surplus weight. Besides, it makes people realize they have two perfectly good legs, which should be used if they intend to keep in condition.” (right) Captivating Constance Bennett and her son, Peter Plant, have lots of fun together on their Schwinn-Built Bicycles. “Peter is the family mechanic,’’ says the slim, lovely star. ‘‘He's completely sold on riding Schwinn ... and I love to go along, because we have loads of fun and exercise together.”’ PAGE TWENTY-FIVE (right) Large Flange Front Hub. Available in place of featherweight or regular front hubs on all Supe- rior and New World Models, equipped with our exclusive Caliper Rim Brakes. Built for extra heavy duty, with % inch axle and rear hub cups and cones. A handsome companion to the large flange rear hub. One piece steel shell, crackproof and beautifully finished like all exclusive Schwinn accessories described herein. All Schwinn-Built Parts are precision built to the highest Schwinn standards of skilled design and expert workmanship. The fin- est of materials are selected for each particular A part and heat treated and tempered, polished and finished by Schwinn trained experts. (top, left) Schwinn Large Flange Heavy-Duty Fore- Wheel Brake; built like the brakes on your car and recommended for unusu- ally heavy duty. Extra large bearings and axles. The large flanges relieve the spokes of strain and make spoke replace- ment easy. Bearing cups are replaceable; axle 35 inch; fixed adjustment. This highly dependable equipment available on all Schwinn Sports Tourist Lightweight Models in place of Caliper Rim Brakes. (bottom, left) Schwinn Large Flange Rear Expander Brake; built like the brakes on your car, with free wheeling. This rugged heavy duty brake is positive in action and the free wheel, without drag, is the finest ever built. Strongly recommended for extra heavy duty, this precision built hub has a threaded outer shell on which the sprocket is screwed. Rear sprockets in all desirable numbers of teeth are available for one inch or one-half inch pitch. Sprockets and spokes can be replaced without disturbing the adjustment of the free wheel. Replace- able bearing cups; large cones; with 3£ inch axle; fixed ad- justment. This precision built equipment available in place of Caliper Rim Brakes on all Schwinn Lightweight Sports Tourist Models. Re (left) Schwinn Large Flange Rear Hub With Free Wheel can be used in place of featherweight rear hubs on Superior Sports Tourist Models equipped with Schwinn Caliper Rim Brakes. This hub with free wheel is a marvelous example of precision workmanship. The Schwinn designed free wheel, makes free wheeling possible without the slightest drag or friction. Experts concede it is the finest mechanism of its kind ever built. The large flange serves a three-fold purpose— it adds to the appearance of the wheel, relieves spoke strain and adds considerable strength to the entire wheel. (above) Schwinn Head Fittings. Paramount Models are equip- ped with thrust bearing type head fittings, turned from special bar steel, and carefully hardened; the finest head fittings Schwinn experience and precision craftsmanship can produce. Superior Models are equipped with special head fittings in which upper cup and cone are reversed, thereby protecting the bearing from rain and dust. Turned from finest bar steel. PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN (below) Superior Three-Piece Cottered-Type Hanger Set, stand- ard equipment on both Schwinn Superior Sports Tourist Models Cranks are drop-forged, chrome molybdenum steel— strong, carefully tempered, and practically indestructible. They will not "take a bend or set,” which means that if struck a blow sufficiently hard to bend them, they automatically spring back to perfect alignment. Axles are turned from special chrome molybdenum steel. Hanger cups accurately machined from fine steel and carefully hardened. Ball paths highly polished Sprocket has forty-six perfectly formed teeth, )s-inch pitch; and is splined and cold-forged to the right crank. A perfectly designed, skillfully built hanger set, fully worthy of the Schwinn quality tradition. A Alte IB 4 i I ) Wi wm \ % WW V arg nd \ It's well to remember that no bicycle can be better than its bearings—the most important bearings are in the hubs— and we know the finest hubs are Schwinn-Built. The balls in our bearings are finest quality chrome steel, larger in size and more balls are used in Schwinn Hubs than any other make. This is important because the bearings carry the entire weight of the bicycle and rider. 1 I (above) Famous screen and radio star, Edward Arnold, with Mrs. Arnold and daugh- ter, Jane. Ed says, ‘'It’s been a long time since my family gave much thoughtto cycling until one day we tried out the new, modern Schwinn-Built Lightweights. Honestly, these Schwinn bikes ride so easily, all of us are getting a new thrill from this old time sport. It's splendid exercise and will help anyone to keep in con- dition.’’ (left) Lovely Rita Hayworth . .. Glamour girl and every- body’s favorite... one of the brightest stars of Columbia Pictures...finds it lots offun to get away from the crowds, with her only companion her slender steed—a New World Schwinn-Built Lightweight. PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT 1 EEE a Zum nn ug an (right) Bob Hope, the busiest comedian in Hollywood and number one man on the air, told us: ‘‘Cycling is a splendid out- door sport. With a Lightweight bicycle you can keep in tiptop condition and en- joy scenery you missin a car. (below) Louis Hayward and Ida Lupino (Mrs. Louis Hayward) enjoy Hollywood’s fastest growing outdoor sport...bicycling. Says Ida, “Cycling has a new thrill when you glide along on these easy-riding LIGHTWEIGHTS.’” Says Louis, ‘It's just enough exercise to keep a fellow fit.’’ (above) Schwinn Paramount Crank Sets, standard equipment on all Paramount Models, are three-piece cottered-type and the finest crank sets engineering skill and manufacturing resources can produce. The fluted design racing cranks have extreme lightness and great strength; forged from chrome molybdenum steel, accurately machined and expertly tempered. Will not “take a bend or set”; in other words, if the crank is struck a hard blow it automatically springs back to perfect alignment. Cotters are turned from chrome molybdenum steel, expertly tempered; axles are turned from special chrome molybdenum steel; ball cups are turned from magnetically tested manganese steel; and ball paths on both cups and axles are precision ground in accordance with the best ball-bearing practice. Sprocket can be changed without removing crank or pedal. (below) Schwinn Handlebar Stems. Paramount Racing Models are equipped with the Schwinn racing extension handlebar stem (center); made of best seamless drawn steel tubing. Ends of the extension tube are rounded to prevent injury in case of a spill. Clamp is heat-treated, drop-forged aluminum— Schwinn Dural—extremely strong and light. Paramount Sports Tourist Models are equipped with Schwinn double adjust- able handlebar stems (right). The extension clamp is heat- treated, drop-forged aluminum—Schwinn Dural—adjustable to two positions. Stem tube and wedge are also Schwinn Dural. Schwinn Superior Sports Tourist Models, for both men and women, are equipped with goose-neck handlebar stems (left), beautifully designed and pleasing in appearance; made of finest materials and very popular. [197° PPRRRRTEEREERANERFENE e) N (above) Schwinn Caliper Rim Brakes, illustrated on all Sports Tourist Models in this brochure, are masterpieces of design and construction. This new and improved brake is the finest rim brake ever built. It's positive in action—ca gentle pressure on the levers located at the handlebar grips, exerts tremen- dous braking power on the rims of the wheels. The cable from the lever to the brake, is contained in special waterproof and dustproof housing. Adjustments, because of the simplicity of design, are easily made. When a Coaster brake is ordered as optional equipment on the rear wheel, a Schwinn Caliper Brake on the front wheel, provides an additional safety factor we strongly recommend. With the Schwinn free wheel equip- ment we recommend Schwinn Caliper Brakes on both front and ER = | i | rear wheels, thus insuring complete control of your lightweight at all speeds. (left) Schwinn Touring Saddles, are expertly designed by Arnold, Schwinn & Company for the rider’s comfort and the easiest possible leg action and built to our own specifications by expert saddle makers. Paramount Sports Tourist Models have saddles of heavy, genuine leather with a top surface covering of fine brown glove leather. Superior Models are equipped with saddles covered with attractive, durable, imita- tion leather unless otherwise ordered. (extreme left) Schwinn Lightweight Tourist Pedals weigh ten ounces per pair less than standard rubber pad pedals, and are an entirely new design. Axle is taper-type and made from fine bar steel. Cone and ball paths are carefully finished for easy, frictionless pedaling. The rubber pads are easily re- placeable when worn. Finished in chrome and black Parker- ized rustproofing for protection and fine appearance. (left) Schwinn Cycelock. Lock your Schwinn. Many people can- not resist the urge to take a ride when they find a new, shiny, Schwinn-Built ready to go. You can prevent this with the pat- ented, Schwinn Built-in Cycelock. Proof of its reliability is found in the fact Schwinns so equipped may be insured against theft at a very low rate. Simple in construction—it's positive in ac- tion. A Yale lock is built into the drop-forged crown, as pictured at left. The bolt slides through a hole in the frame and cannot be tampered with. The key cannot get lost, as you remove it only when the wheel is turned at an angle and the bicycle locked. This prevents loss of the key while riding. Cycelock offers another example of Schwinn superiority and leadership. Cycelock is available on all Schwinn-Built Bicycles at small extra cost. Printed in U.S.A., Form No. 167 FH MET SINI SE:

Schwinn Bicycles Katalog 1948

Heinz Fingerhut
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